Sunday, September 14, 2008

Luke "Monty Burns" Serignese


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As of this past Friday, I'm weighing in at 12 lbs., 3 ounces, I'm 24.5 inches and I have a brainy 41 cm head. Given this growth rate, I'll be 90 feet tall by the time I start growing and will weigh a metric ton.

School starts tomorrow!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Maine Man

My parents took me up to Kennebunkport for the first time. They took me to all of their favorite spots... Walmart, some bar my Dad likes (more than once), Freeport. We walked around a lot, spent a lot of time relaxing (not much sleeping) and even went to see Cyndi and Chris for baby pictures. I was glad to meet them but was feeling a little cranky so I decided not to smile for any of the pictures (looks like I take after my Daddy in that regard).

Other highlights from our trip:
Hanging out with Mom...

Playing Super Baby...

And just being cute...

But the trip wore me out. As soon as we got home, I decided to take a couch siesta...